The latest intervention against the campaign of Hillary Clinton for President has borne a particularly troubling and sickening tone. After all the evidence of direct Russian meddling against the

Although the polls are currently indicating a solid victory for Hillary Clinton in the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election, and a major improvement of her party’s representation in Congress,

There are an abundance of tell-tale signs, but almost no one is putting them all together to draw the conclusion that what we’re seeing in this presidential election cycle is a coup in progress

There is a profound irony but truth in the thought that as horribly degraded as Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has become, it could wind up having a beneficial effect on American culture.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine scored a huge victory for his team in his debate with his GOP counterpart Mike Pence Tuesday night. To understand this one needs to step away from

Often, first impressions are the best impressions. When recalling the historic presidential debate Monday night, the prevailing sense was of the starkest of contrasts between a civil, highly