There’s absolutely no question but that Donald Trump’s barely-veiled assassination threat against Hillary Clinton Tuesday was intentional and deliberate. At a campaign rally, he injected a

That this is a U.S. presidential election season of massive contrasts is obvious. But what is at the core of those contrasts? This election season represents a unique opportunity to get a handle on

The selection of Virginia U.S. Senator Tim Kaine to be the vice-presidential nominee last Friday, and the subsequent veritably flawless roll out of the Democratic National Convention in

Poor William Kristol, quoted at the outset of the Republican National Convention this week by Ben Terris in the Washington Post lamenting that his party’s nomination of Donald Trump for President

The high road, and the low road. Civilizations have always been saved by leaders who’ve chosen the former route, and destroyed by those who’ve chosen the latter, through cynical postmodern

(Anybody remember that Karl Rove set up a private e-mail account in the George W. Bush White House under the domain name “,” from which he purged 22 million e-mails in 2007 at the