My core argument can be summed up like this: (1) Homosexuals are beautiful, (2) we are important, and (3) we must shift our culture’s “center of gravity” away from

“Virtue is rightly-ordered love.” – St. Augustine, “City of God.” The concept of “virtue,” descriptive through history of the most highly-valued human

Occasionally it is instructive to take a question from the audience, so to speak, to help clarify certain points. I present excerpts from thoughtful comments of one reader of this series, followed

Almost all the gay-authored literature describing the Stonewall era through the end of the AIDS “automatic death sentence” era, from 1969 to 1996 – including compelling writing by

Two contradictory forces collided in the late 1960s – the civil rights movement and the “sexual freedom” movement – and the latter won. Gay liberation soon adopted the

Understanding events leading up to and following the Stonewall riots in 1969 is critical for appraising gay culture and gay identity in the U.S. today. I was uniquely positioned to witness what was