Category Archives: Weekly Columns
Busted! Yesterday’s testimony by ambassador Gordon Sondland has proven that Trump is as guilty as sin for an attempted Mafia-like shakedown of a vulnerable U.S. ally at the expense of the U.S.
Upon the completion of the truly historic first day of extraordinarily powerful public testimony before the House Intelligence Committee of two impeccable witnesses in the impeachment
It’s as if the Republicans are simply incapable of learning anything. Do they have no endgame other than being boxed into corners more and more and, proverbially speaking, lighting themselves on
The epic revival of the fortunes of the Washington Nationals baseball team in the sixth game of the World Series Tuesday, evening their chances of winning the world championship in the final,
It must be in the forefront of awareness amid all the breaking developments around Trump this week the importance of the link between what he’s done in Ukraine and Syria. In both places, he’s
It’s an age-old strategy of a sociopathic thug to aggressively accuse his enemies of exactly what he is doing. Trump has done this repeatedly and no one has seemed to catch on. All the Russian