While 700 words will be going into this commentary, there is only one point that must be made, over and over again if necessary. For all the abuses and crimes of the Trump administration, and his

My new book is out this week. It is called, “Gay Men in the Feminist Revolution: Articles, Pamphlets & Reflections on My Gay Activist Days in San Francisco, 1969-1972.” It is published by

It came as such a surprise. I don’t mean the decision by Nancy Pelosi and her House Democrats to announce an impeachment inquiry against President Trump Tuesday, a signal event that marked the

It can be instructive for the sake of illustration to compare what U.S., and the West generally, is going through politically now with earlier periods. The example that always comes up is the

Way, way over on the “good guy” side of professional sports ledger is a fellow who took a terrible blow ending his National League baseball season this week. Christian Yelich, at 27 a tall,

If you subscribe to one of the major cable TV providers, you can now see the shameful American illness pervading everything as professional football season begins. It’s the kind of illness that