TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 2006 08:00:00 PM President Bush’s performance through the fifth anniversary memorials and remembrances of Sept. 11, 2001 was pathetic. It offered nothing that could

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 06 2006 08:00:00 PM It’s been a few weeks, and now we can call it. Last month’s “macaca” remark by Virginia Sen. George Allen was a “career ending moment.” It

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30 2006 08:00:00 PM It took a tremendous amount of will power, perhaps whispering to themselves that age-old emotion-stilling mantra, “Dead cats and nuns, dead cats and

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23 2006 11:22:16 AM When I told a friend that in a nine-day period this month, I’d been in the front row of a Melissa Etheridge concert at Washington, D.C.’s Constitution

Dwarfing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s struggle with linguistics in an attempt to cloak the reality of civil war in Iraq, the current monstrous obscenity taking place in Lebanon now raises

      Friday, July 28 2006 06:10:24 AM Heads up, Israel. This is a set-up. The Bush administration fully intends to exploit the current escalating violence between Israel and the